Bayesian networks in R : with applications in systems biology
The blood group antigen factsbook
The cell : a molecular approach
Cortex and mind : unifying cognition
Degradable polymers and materials : principles and practice (ACS symposium series, v.1114)
Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders : DSM-5
Epigenetics in human disease
Fundamentals of biochemistry : life at the molecular level
Geometric morphometrics for biologists : a primer
Handbook of biologically active peptides
Human genes and genomes : science, health, society
Human stem cell manual : a laboratory guide
Just enough UNIX
Learning IPython for interactive computing and data visualization
Lehninger principles of biochemistry
Lewin's genes XI
Life's ratchet : how molecular machines extract order from chaos
March's advanced organic chemistry : reactions, mechanisms, and structure
Modeling and simulation in biomedical engineering : applications in cardiorespiratory physiology
Molecular medicine : genomics to personalized healthcare
Molecular microbiology laboratory : a writing-intensive course
Molecularly imprinted sensors : overview and applications
Opiate receptors and antagonists : from bench to clinic
Principles of regenerative medicine
Regenerative biology and medicine
Studying a study & testing a test : reading evidence-based health research
Techniques in organic chemistry
What is life? : how chemistry becomes biology
Women and health