June 24, 2015

ACS Mobile Journals

The American Chemical Society (ACS) has announced that institutional journal subscribers can now access the full text of their ACS journals on mobile devices.  They're calling it ACS2Go.

To access ACS journals off campus on mobile devices you first need to pair up your device while on campus.  After you do this, you can access the full-text for 120 days. Just repeat the process
again for extended access. It's available for Apple, Android and Blackberry devices.

Follow these steps:

  1. Go to http://pubs.acs.org on your mobile device while ON CAMPUS connected to the TSRI network.
  2. It will ask you to "install ACS2Go" on your device using the download button, and to add it to your home screen.
  3. You can then browse or search for journals or content while off campus and off the TSRI network for up to 120 days. 
  4. You can renew the 120 days indefinitely by accessing this site again from on campus.

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